Discovering... Découverte
It has not been a week yet since I arrived in Xiamen, and I already have the feeling it has been weeks. We are still in the process of discovering our environment.
Talking walks, taking buses, finding things and new references. Xiamen is a beautiful city. SUmmer is hot and humid here,
and we don't really go out before 5 unless we have no choice.
Board walk. La promende en bord de mer.
Patterns - Motifs
So glad to have found my friends the cicadas here in Xiamen. They are everywhere. Je suis si heureuse d'avoir retrouver mes cigales ici à Xiamen. Elles sont partout!
View from CEAC - la vue du CEAC.
Chinese European Art Center, CEAC. My host, and where I will be exhibiting at the end of August.
Mon hote, et le lieu ou je vais exposer à la fin du mois d'Aout.